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Below is the membership dues fee schedule for iGO. The membership period will be January 1 through December 31 annually.

  • $200 Full Member*: Current Appointed or Elected Official
  • $125 Deputy Member*: Deputy of Full iGO Member
  • $125 Associate Member: Institutions and Associations supportive of iGO
  • $500 Corporate Membership: Business Partner Membership
    • Includes 2 Corporate Associate Memberships
  • $75 Corporate Associate: Employees of Business Partner Member
  • $50 Alumni/Retired Member*
  • State Associations $50 per member to be paid by the state association

*Full Members, Deputy Members, and Alumni/Retired Members have voting privileges

Email with any questions.


Dues notices for the membership year will be distributed by email. To avoid interruption in membership benefits, renew by January 31st.

  • Mail: Send the completed Membership Renewal Form and check to the iGO office.
  • Online: Click on the Renew button below and login to your membership account to renew with a credit card.
  • Phone: Call +1.800.890.7368 to renew with a credit card.

Please note that you must be logged into your personal account to renew your membership. You may not renew individual memberships through a county login, you must login to each member’s individual account. Otherwise they will not have access to their member benefits. If you have any questions or need assistance contact the iGO office at +1.800.890.7368 or

Board and committee opportunities

International ListServ

Growing industry job board

Private app for information and networking

Excellence in County Government Award

Innovator Awards

Certified Public Officials

Certificates in Public Leadership


Monthly educational webinars

Certificate in Public Leadership

Certified Public Official credential

Semi-annual international conferences

Monthly eNews

Job board

Division-specific ListServ

Archived webinars

World class speakers

Innovative Educational Offerings

Division specific & joint-division sessions

Networking and information app for attendees

Largest annual industry Trade Show